Albanese Sour Gummy Worms 300G


Enjoy the squiggly, wiggly shapes of sour gummy worms! This 300g bag has enough worms to build a mini gummy city- let your imagination run wild! Perfect for gifting to just about any sour gummy lover, for candy buffets, as party giveaways, or table centerpieces!

üDairy Free
üFat Free
üGluten Free
üMSG Free

Made in USA.

Best price guaranteed.

*For your convenience, Candy Corner re-packaged this item from a larger master pack into this smaller sized bag in a sanitized facility, following proper sanitation and hygiene practices. Therefore, the item does not arrive in the manufacturers original packaging. If you would like to see the manufacturer labels, kindly send us an email or leave a note with your order so that we may provide it

93 in stock